E2open, a provider of cloud-based solutions for collaborative execution across global trading networks, today announced the availability of the newest version of E2 Cloud Connectivity, the foundation layer of the E2open Business Network. With a next-generation open cloud interoperability model that fundamentally changes the way transactions and data are mapped between trading partners, E2 Cloud Connectivity reduces the time and the cost of ownership of trading partner connectivity.
“E2 Cloud Connectivity changes the economics of trading partner on-boarding,” said Lorenzo Martinelli, Senior Vice President, Corporate Strategy, E2open. “One of the biggest challenges to rapid and cost-effective trading partner connectivity is the traditional practice of one-off, custom, point-to-point maps for transactions and data. Working with some of the most complex supply chains, and hundreds of customer deployments, we have created a next-generation model that enriches our network content using open canonicals and cross-standard maps.”
For many companies, connecting trading partners is both expensive and time consuming, as the task of mapping data and transactions between companies creates a bottleneck. The latest version of E2 Cloud Connectivity brings industry-first productized maps that speeds data transformation across industry standards such as X12, EDIFACT, OAGIS and others, providing businesses with unparalleled open, cross-standard interoperability.
“Canonical messages reduce the number of transformation maps that an organization must create and manage — one of the most time-consuming activities in implementing interfaces”, said Benoit Lheureux, Vice President, Research, Gartner. “Consequently, their use significantly reduces interface development time and simplifies interface asset management.”
The latest version of E2open’s open network cloud connectivity includes the following new capabilities:
- New Network Content: 20 OAGIS standards-based canonicals, 69 productized maps that support cross-standard interoperability with X12, EDIFACT and other industry standard formats. For a list of available Network Content, see “Find a Message Guide” at businessnetwork.e2open.com/message-guides
- New Software Functionality: Support of end-to-end interchange of a transaction across de-coupled productized maps and tools to develop and manage canonicals, productized maps, and map deviations.
“At OAGi, we are committed to building the open standards for mobile, cloud, business to business, and enterprise interoperability”, said David Connelly, CEO, Open Applications Group (www.oagi.org). “E2open’s use of product maps that interoperate with other industry standards and OAGIS-based canonicals addresses an untapped capability in the market. This solution has the potential to accelerate trading partner connectivity across many industries.”