Five Fundamental Data Security Tips

Data security is no joke. Whether composed of clients, patient, or business information, your data is the lifeblood of your business, and can be one of, if not the most, important parts of achieving success. With so many threats facing your data, both in and out of the cloud, the scale of achieving data security can become overwhelming. Here are a few recommendations for getting your data safe and sound.

Recognize the anatomy of a data breach: You need to understand exactly what impact will a breach have on your business. This varies from company to company, department to department. For example, if an online blog has a data breach, the impact criticality of that may be fairly low. Some user accounts might be exposed, but critical information has not been exposed. Compare this to the impact of data breach on a healthcare company (with its volumes of patient data) – you can see quite a significant difference in terms of how the data breach will impact an organization.

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