The bad thing about price differentiation is that it is also the most easily countered. What happens if Cisco announces dramatically lower price-per-port when they spin Insieme in? They don’t even have to beat Arista; they just have to be close enough that the price part of the equation is roughly a draw. If Cisco does this, the most newsworthy element of Arista’s big product launch is largely neutered. That is not to say that Cisco will match on TCO but rather that their go-to-market strategy will effectively counter what Arista had previously launched.
Archivo mensual: septiembre 2013
Teradata 14.10 ups in-memory and in-database analytics
Tony Baer, Principal Analyst, Software – Information Management
The recently released Teradata 14.10 platform adds several features that one-up and surpass some of its newer analytic platform rivals. Highlights include dynamic tiering of hot data into memory, increased support for in-database analytics, better connectivity to Hadoop, and new optimizations for R implementation that fully exploit parallel processing.
Some of the enhancements, such as in-memory tiering, in-database analytic functions, and tighter Hadoop integration, are not necessarily unique to Teradata, but the implementations are. As for R scale-up, Teradata is uniquely applying MapReduce-like enhancements to enable R to better utilize the platform’s massively parallel architecture.
In sum, the enhancements are essential for maintaining Teradata’s premium positioning for scalability and performance for workloads that still require the service levels and data protections offered by the SQL environment.
Taking advantage of memory
This is an ongoing theme for all data platforms, both …
How to consolidate and integrate the public and private cloud
By Lee Fisher, Vice President, Abiquo
Most households have many services to keeping things ticking. No two households are the same; they have different priorities, values and structures, and different services suit different households. Water, gas and electricity all come from separate service providers, so if the electricity goes down in a house, it is not left in the cold.
Like a household, organisations are unique and something that works for one organisation, may not work for its competitors.
Choices, choices, choices
Like household utility services, cloud services are designed to bring agility, simplicity, efficiency and self-service capabilities to a business.
Organisations have freedom of choice in terms of selecting infrastructure and services; but in order to make the right choice it is vital organisations have an understanding of what the business requires and the capabilities of existing infrastructure.
Despite the complexity of business requirements and the variety of choices …
Best Mobile Phones for Online Gaming
Gaming forms a big part of the mobile phone industry, and it seems quite useful to answer the question of ‘what is the best mobile phone 2013’ by looking at which handset is the best for games. This slant brings into question processing power, storage, screen size, and app availability, so then, which is the best mobile phone for games in 2013. If you want to make up your own mind, you can play some of the most popular casino games on sites such as online casino UK and see for yourself.
A few contenders spring immediately to mind: the iPhone5, HTC One, Samsung Galaxy 4, Galaxy Note 2, Lumia 920 and the Sony Xperia Z.
Sony have really launched themselves back to prominence with the Xperia range and the gaming credentials of the Xperia Z are very good indeed. For starters there’s a super crisp 5inch HD screen, so visibility is well catered for. Then there’s the 1.5GHz quadcore processor to make sure the phone loads up apps quickly and doesn’t lag when they’re running.
The HTC One is very much a critic’s choice when it comes to games (and most other things). The 4.7inch screen is nicely placed in a market that tends towards overly big or overly small. It has a 1.7GHz quadcore processor and it can come with 32GB storage capacity. Anyone who loves an array of games, apps and media should err towards larger storage, and 32GB seems like a good marker.
The Galaxy Note 2 is a spectacular multimedia device, primed as much for films and personal organisation as it is games. This means the screen size is particularly generous at 5.5inches. You can also get 64GB of memory with the potential to double it on what is a real tablet/smartphone hybrid.
Then the likes of the Lumia 920, iPhone5 and Samsung Galaxy S4 all need to be considered on their relative merits. The iPhone5 and Galaxy S4 are the two accepted industry giants and they benefit from huge amounts of games from their respective Android and Apple stores, but then Windows 8 phones such as the Lumia 920 are really taking off as well.
WebRTC Summit | WebRTC Tools – Where to Begin
Finding the right tools is essential to any project. The good news is that there is already multitude of companies and products out there for supporting WebRTC developers–more than 70 and growing every week. WebRTC’s is still in its infancy, so this number could easily double in the next couple of years as adjacent industries and the laggards get on board. The bad news with the large number of tools out there means there are a lot of hard choices for developers and application architects to make. Complicating these decisions, WebRTC standards are still in progress with several contentious issues yet to be resolved.
In his session at the WebRTC Fundamentals Summit, Chad Hart, Director of Product Marketing at Oracle and Chief Editor of webrtcHacks, will provide some starting guidelines and observations to help developers get started with WebRTC.
The Standard for Cloud Backups
Regardless who you ask, regardless what study or poll you read and regardless of who you talk to, time and time again, the markets’ main concern with Cloud based solutions are shown in the form of security. Now, most Cloud computing security concerns come in a pretty standard worry: consumers are worried: – Their data will be hacked and stolen by evil doers – Data will be lost due to weather, blackouts, natural disasters etc While the former is possible – hacking does happen to even the largest, most well protected companies/government divisions, the latter is a misnomer of sorts. For the public, the Cloud is still viewed as a public utility, susceptible to power outages, floods, blizzards etc. To the public, the Cloud resembles local power supplies however this sentiment couldn’t be further from the truth. Cloud Security Concerns: Data Centers & Backups For the consumers worried about Cloud based security and moving your local IT solutions to the Cloud, we recommend you read our blog on Cloud Security Tips. Outside of Cloud security as seen through the lens of data centers, another aspect of Cloud computing security is how your provider handles backing up your data. To learn more about how Solar VPS backs up your critical data, view our Cloud Minute Vlog or simply watch it below: Now, time to flesh the Cloud Minute out. Cloud Security: Storage Space The first need for any Cloud host worth their salt is the amount of space they offer their clients to backup their Cloud server. In terms of Solar VPS, we offer our clients between 20GB – 200GB of storage space. This means, Solar VPS will backup the entire contents of your server in so far as the data amounts to 20GB – 200GB of storage or until the amount of data of your server eclipses the 200GB mark. Pretty straight forward, pretty simple to understand. Cloud Security: Full Followed By Incremental With storage limits established, the next thing you, as the consumer, need to know about/ask your provider is the process of backing up servers. By this we mean, is your Cloud server backed up fully? Is your server backed up in snapshots? Is your Cloud server backed up incrementally on top of a full backup? You need the answer to these questions. To answer those questions, here at Solar VPS we take a full backup of your Cloud server. Following this backup, anytime you add data to your server, we incrementally backup your server data layered on top of your original full Cloud server backup. This ensures all your Cloud data is backed up and stored securely. Cloud Security: Offsite Backups The first step is potential storage space. The second step is full followed by incremental backups. The third step is offsite data center storage. The truth of the matter is it’s great to have a provider backup your Cloud server however it is also vitally important for your provider to store your Cloud server backup in … Continue
HP Enterprise Services Launches New Cloud-Based Analytics as a Service
HP has announced new cloud-based analytics as a service built on HP’s HAVEn Big Data analytics platform, helping clients solve business problems and create new revenue opportunities. By leveraging HP HAVEn, clients can more effectively analyze and derive value from their information, such as increase sales with targeted client offerings, improve supply chain performance, detect fraud or discover security risks.
HP Enterprise Services delivers end-to-end Big Data and Analytics solutions to make information actionable for clients in key domains and industries. Solutions include: Customer Intelligence, Supply Chain and Operations, and Sensor Data Analytics in industries such as Communications Media and Entertainment, Consumer Goods, Retail, Travel and Transportation, and Public Sector.
Time is Running Out: Important Price Changes of Windows 2012 R2
By Rob O’Shaughnessy, Director of Software Licensing
There’s some good news, and there’s some bad news. The good news is Windows 2012 R2 is being released…the bad news you have to pay for it.
Microsoft recently announced the release of Windows 2012 R2 which will be offering some new functionality described here Windows Server 2012 R2. However, along with the new release is some new pricing that will make you…well…read on.
Microsoft is releasing Windows 2012 R2 on November 1st and will be increasing the price of Windows Datacenter by 28%. This is not a typo. I’ll spell it out for you: Twenty-Eight Percent. For you Twitter people that’s #twentyeightpercentholycow.
Now, only Datacenter is going up in price. Windows Standard Server and Windows Cals will remain the same price. Also, Windows 2012 Cals will be compliant with Windows 2012 R2 so if you own Windows 2012 User or Device Cals you don’t need to purchase new Cals. So it’s just Datacenter right? Yes…well almost.
Also going up in price is Windows Remote Desktop Services Cals (RDS) which will be increasing by 20% on November 1st. Same deal here – if you own 2012 RDS Cals they will also be compliant with Windows 2012 R2. This means new Cals are NOT required for Windows 2012 R2 if you own Windows 2012 RDS Cals.
Q: Why is Microsoft doing this?
A: Because, they can.
OK, so here’s what you have to think about:
- If you want to have access to Windows 2012 R2 and typically purchase it with SA, be sure to purchase the license before November 1st to avoid the price hike.
- If you are looking at getting Windows 2012 and are not in position to purchase or don’t need SA, you can purchase the license before November 1st to avoid the price increase but you won’t have access to R2.
- If you want R2 and don’t need to purchase SA, be sure to wait until November 1st to purchase it. Otherwise, if you purchase the license without SA prior to November 1st, you will not have access to R2.
- Lastly if you need RDS Cals purchase them before November 1st
It’s coming up fast as the last day to purchase Windows 2012 Datacenter and RDS is Halloween night…scary huh?
These are important decisions for your company to make, so if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out to me directly
Japanese SMB Cloud Journey Accelerates in 2013
Accounting for more than 99 percent of all local enterprises, Japanese small and medium businesses (SMBs) account for a substantial share of Japan’s economic output. Traditionally, Japanese SMBs largely operated as suppliers for large enterprises as part of the keiretsu system of integrated supply chain groups. With some exceptions, SMBs tend to focus on the domestic market and export indirectly via the value chains of large multinational enterprises and general trading houses.
Cloud-enabling technologies revenue will reach $22.6bn by 2016
Defining Cloud-Enabling Technologies (CET) as those that are installed, delivered and consumed on-premises, Market Monitor a service of 451 Research recently released their annual forecast of virtualization, security and automation and management revenue through 2016.
The report, Market Monitor Cloud-Enabling Technologies has taken a bottoms-up approach in defining the three primary categories they include in their definition of cloud-enabling technologies. Market Monitor’s methodology is explained in the report’s summary here.
Here are the key take-aways from this report:
- Cloud-Enabling Technologies defined as virtualization, security and automation and management global revenues will grow from $10.6B in 2012 to $22.6B in 2016, attaining a 21% Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR).
- Cloud-as-a-Service revenues will grow from $5.7B in 2012 to $19.5B in 2016, attaining a 36% CAGR. Market Monitor defines Cloud-as-a-Service as externally delivered services, specifically 3rd party, that are hosted and pay-as-you-go with the cloud …