Traditional and #Agile Distributed Environments | @DevOpsSummit [#DevOps #Docker]

Over the years, a variety of methodologies have emerged in order to overcome the challenges related to project constraints. The successful use of each methodology seems highly context-dependent. However, communication seems to be the common denominator of the many challenges that project management methodologies intend to resolve. In this respect, Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) can be viewed as powerful tools for managing projects.
Few research papers have focused on the way ICTs are used in software development environments. We posit that the use of ICTs in a plan-driven environment can enhance team members’ interactions and affect the organizational structure (the organization can lean toward a flat structure), thus, reducing the difference between “agile” and “plan-driven” environments.
Given this focus, the present research aims at examining the way ICTs are used by software development teams as well as their impact on project management methodologies.

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