That Time of the Year: Everyone Has a List and Predictions

It’s getting to be the time of year when the “lists of” come out, recalling the best (or worst, depending) of this and that, usually followed by pundit predictions for the coming year. Cloud Computing is no different so this particular form of holiday cheer is starting to appear. We’ll try to find and point to the ones worth spending some time with.

First up: Joe McKendrick at Forbes on “7 Predictions for Cloud Computing in 2013 that Make Perfect Sense“. Notice we’re no longer shackled to the nice round number 10. He found 7 so what’s what he offered us. They range from “More hosted private clouds” to “Cloud as a defining term fades“. I think maybe the most intriguing one was “Cloud and mobile becoming one“.

Read the post for the full list and all his reasoning and details.