More End-of-Year Predicting: 7 ‘Half-Baked Ideas’ on Where Cloud Will Take Us in 2013 and Beyond

As we mentioned earlier, there are a lot of people publishing lists of this and that for the year we’re about done with, and predicting what’s to come in 2013. As a followup to his first such list, Joe McKendrick at Forbes now offers us “7 ‘Half-Baked Ideas’ on Where Cloud Will Take Us in 2013 and Beyond“. My favorite: “Cloud increasingly recognized as a “green” enabler“. I’ve never bought into the notion that it’s not more energy efficient to depend on the massive scale that cloud data centers represent. Less travel, more energy-lean devices (mobile in particular), less built environment for offices, and fewer underutilized, energy-sucking servers sitting in small offices and departments.

Read the whole list and see which you think are more than “half-baked”.