Salesforce rolls out new Salesforce1 app, launches UK data centre

At his earnings call last week, CEO Marc Benioff noted how he could run his business from his mobile device.

Well, with a few tweaks now you can too: Salesforce has launched the new Salesforce1 mobile app at the World Tour event in London, with the product being available in the summer roll-out.

The app, which the promotional material perhaps optimistically compares with an enterprise-eseque Facebook, promises more than 30 features, including easier access for salespeople to reports and dashboards, an ecosystem of more than 65 partner apps including FInancialForce and Kenandy, as well as the ability to deploy custom business apps.

“Cloud-first is the new mantra in today’s world,” said George Hu, Salesforce COO in the keynote speech.

The Salesforce1 app is built for practically all browsers and devices, including BlackBerry, Windows 8 and Good Access Secure, and zeroes in on the ecosystem; partners, employees, admins …