Processing Metrics, Logs & Traces By @Sematext | @DevOpsSummit [#DevOps]

Application metrics, logs, and business KPIs are a goldmine. It’s easy to get started with the ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana) – you can see lots of people coming up with impressive dashboards, in less than a day, with no previous experience. Going from proof-of-concept to production tends to be a bit more difficult, unfortunately, and it tends to gobble up our attention, time, and money.
In his session at DevOps Summit, Otis Gospodnetić, co-author of Lucene in Action and founder of Sematext, will share the architecture and decisions behind Sematext’s services for handling large volumes of performance metrics, traces, logs, anomaly detection, alerts, etc. He’ll follow data from its sources, its collection, aggregation, storage, and visualization. He will also cover the overview of some of the relevant technologies and their strengths and weaknesses, such as HBase, Elasticsearch, and Kafka.

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