Peter Dunkley Named @WebRTCSummit Chair @ThingsExpo [#WebRTC #IoT]

WebRTC Summit has announced today that Peter Dunkley has been named summit chair of WebRTC Summit 2015 New York.

The 4th International WebRTC Summit will take place on June 9-11, 2015, at the Javits Center in Manhattan, New York.

@ThingsExpo anticipates 90% of WebRTC companies & developers will monetize their products & services through IoT by 2016.

Peter Dunkley is Technical Director at Acision. He graduated from The University of Edinburgh in 2000 with a BSc (Hons) in Computer Science. After graduation Peter worked on a PSTN switch developing signalling stacks for SS7, ISDN and similar protocols and creating advanced routing and service applications. Since 2005 he has worked mainly with SIP first leading a team developing a PSTN gateway and then managing the development of a SIP Application Server. Peter joined Crocodile RCS in September 2010 and has made numerous contributions to the Kamailio open source SIP Router project (particularly in the areas of presence, WebSocket, MSRP, and SIP Outbound) since then. Peter is one of the authors of the MSRP over WebSocket draft (draft-pd-dispatch-msrp-websocket) and is a contributor to several open-source projects.

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