On-Premise or Cloud ERP – Which Is Right for Your Business?

If you want to implement an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system, then you will undoubtedly have to answer a lot of questions before you can be sure that the system will run smoothly. But before anything, you should ask a simple question about deployment. Will you need to host your ERP system on-premise using your own servers or will you be using a SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) provider? It will be a major decision, since you will need to choose who handles the hardware and software.
Big companies usually tend to want to deploy on-premises. This could be a because of paranoia, but big companies want total control over their data. But many smaller companies will opt to choose the SaaS method so they can save on upfront capital expenditures. Since they won’t have to buy their own hardware, the SaaS option will be cheaper (at least in the short-term).
But between the largest and smallest companies, there are businesses in the middle that have to make a tough choice. To make the best decision, they will need to weight three variables: total cost of ownership, customization options, and integration.

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