Microservices Orchestration | @DevOpsSummit [#DevOps #Docker #Microservices]

With the advent of micro-services, the application design paradigm has undergone a major shift. The days of developing monolithic applications are over. We are bringing in the principles (read SOA) hereto the preserve of applications or system integration space into the application development world.

Since the micro-services are consumed within the application, the need of ESB is not there. There is no message transformation or mediations required. But service discovery and load balancing of service instance still need to be done, new tools have come up (e.g. Netflix Eureka)

There is no correct answer, depending on the use case, different options can be applied. One can also apply multiple options within the same application depending on the type of the client to be supported or at times, you do not want to expose individual services and an aggregator service might be better.

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