How cloud computing is rethinking control of IT

By Jason Bloomberg

In my role as a globetrotting cloud consultant, I continue to be amazed at how many executives, both in IT and in the lines of business, still favour private clouds over public.

These managers are perfectly happy to pour money into newfangled data centers (sorry, “private clouds”), even though Amazon Web Services (AWS) and its brethren are reinventing the entire world of IT. Their reason? Sometimes they believe private clouds will save them money over the public cloud option.

No such luck: private clouds are dreadfully expensive to build, staff, and manage, while public cloud services continue to fall in price.

Others point to security as the problem. No again. Okay, maybe private clouds will give us sufficient elasticity? Probably not. Go through all the arguments, however, and they’re still dead set on building that private cloud.

What gives? The true reason for this stubbornness, of …