Cyber Threats Are Still Flourishing | @CloudExpo [#Cloud]

Our new assessment offering stems from our direct client experience and from critical data points garnered from our upcoming 2015 Global Threat Intelligence Report, which will be available next month (May 2015). The report, which was commissioned by our parent company NTT, found that the state of security systems at a wide range of large enterprise organizations still have relatively low levels of maturity – many of which have spent millions of dollars on security technologies. The report analyzed millions of logs, including six billion attacks across 18,000 global clients. This really gave us a comprehensive view of the current state of security within enterprises and also gave us the insights needed to provide clients with the right path forward. To give a little context, some of the statistics in the report showed that 76 percent of the vulnerabilities identified in client systems in 2014 were more than two years old, and almost 9 percent of those were more than 10 years old! Think about just those few points and it is not surprising that cyber threats are still flourishing.

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