CRM outsourcers need to follow Branson’s advice on telecommuting

Peter Ryan, Lead Analyst, IT Services

Regardless of the sector in question, home-based working has always aroused emotions among executives. The recent comments made by Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer and New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg against home working have further inflamed this debate, but Ovum feels that contact center services players would be wise to heed the remarks of Virgin founder Sir Richard Branson, which were well thought out and very much in favour of working from home.

To date, this business model has been classified as “niche” in the CRM space, but all evidence suggests that it remains on an upward trajectory, and those players that have not availed themselves of credible home-agent offerings may miss the proverbial boat.

Branson’s assessment reflects the home-agent experience to date

We are very much in agreement with Branson’s recent blog comments, in which he stated that allowing workers the flexibility …