Cloud Computing: MapR Takes a Run at Taming HBase

MapR Technologies worked for months to make the elephantine curmudgeon known as Hadoop less snappy and irascible.
It dragged it out of the elephant house, scrubbed its hands and face, gave it some manners, told it which fork to use, slicked down its hair, polished its shoes and sent it out to live in civil society.
Then, beguiled by the fact that 45% of Hadoop shops also use HBase, it turned its hand to taming the equally irritable and hard-to-manage database that lets people run NoSQL queries against Hadoop data. This week it put its civilizing influence into public beta. It calls the widgetry M7.
MapR says it’s given HBase enterprise-grade reliability and performance and put Hadoop and NoSQL capabilities together on the same platform capable of Big Data operations ranging from batch analytics to real-time analytics.

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