Citrix Unifies and Simplifies Cloud Orchestration

Citrix on Tuesday announced the availability of Citrix CloudPlatform™ 4.2, a single, unified cloud orchestration solution powered by Apache CloudStack, and Citrix CloudPortal™ Business Manager 2.1, a web portal that manages the delivery of cloud services. The latest versions of these cloud solutions from Citrix enable organizations to future-proof their cloud services strategy by efficiently running both traditional enterprise and cloud-native workloads via an application-centric approach, while also simplifying the management aspects of offering IT-as-a-Service (ITaaS).

Today’s customers are adopting the cloud to increase efficiency, agility and business growth by rapidly innovating and delivering new cloud services. To realize the full potential of the cloud, businesses realize they must expand beyond the initial cloud-native scale-out use cases such as Dev/Test or Big Data to incorporate the vast base of existing scale-up, enterprise workloads such as ERP apps and Windows workloads into a standardized cloud architecture. The challenge customers face is that most cloud architectures are optimized for one or the other workload, but not both. By focusing on optimizing for all applications versus a specific workload, Citrix CloudPlatform and Citrix CloudPortal Business Manager provide a flexible foundation for the journey toward an ITaaS delivery model.

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