Is cloud computing meeting its expectations?

One issue relative to cloud computing that keeps critics well fed is the degree to which expectations and realities of the technology all too often don’t sync. Add to the mix a large degree of expected hype around buzzy marketing concepts, and what companies expect going into switching to cloud and what they get can feel problematically let-down-ish.

So what does the internet think?

Excerpt from the Facebook Cloud Computing Group

Facebook surprisingly chimed in with some of the most rapid responses.

The NSA scandal made an appearance, as did security in the “failing expectations” corner of the arena.

PRISM aside, security is still a chief concern for many IT departments. However, cloud security is also a nuanced issue, not a catchall concept.

For instance, any industry dealing with client information, proprietary personal information, patient health records, or those who does not want their infrastructure hacked (which should include …