AppZero Survey Sizes Industry Concerns Around WS2003 End of Life

AppZero, the fastest way to move enterprise applications to the cloud, has opened up its year-long WS2003 end of life industry survey to the IT public. The previously “by invitation only” survey is measuring preparedness among the IT community for the impending end of life for WS2003 set by Microsoft for July 14, 2015. IT professionals can take the #WS2003 eol survey here.
As Windows Server 2003 fast approaches end of life (EOL), the ability to move to a newer version of the OS (WS 2008 R2 or WS 2012) becomes critical. Enterprises may seek to modernize and move to the cloud at the same time. Early survey results from more than 200 Fortune 1,000 companies reveal that 40% of respondents wish to move to the cloud as part of their EOL remediation efforts and 51% are worried about security, compliance and vulnerability management. All survey participants will receive the final research report at no charge. To participate, take “The #WS2003 EOL Survey” here.

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