Archivo de la categoría: White Papers

Developing a winning hybrid cloud strategy



The 2015 BCN Annual Industry Survey revealed two thirds of enterprises plan to implement multiple cloud services over the next 18 months, but adopting a hybrid cloud strategy can be far from straightforward. As a result there is often a gap between intention and strategic readiness that can lead to considerable strain on the IT resources of a company.

This Business Cloud News Whitepaper, in association with HP investigates the factors both driving and inhibiting hybrid cloud deployment, looks at how resources will be managed across platforms and explores the right mix of skills to manage applications, platforms, networks and systems in a hybrid environment.

These are some of the key issues that need to be tackled by CIOs if they are to take a central role in preparing their IT organisations for a hybrid world.

Download the report now to find out what tools, technologies, and skills are required for a successful hybrid cloud strategy.

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Cloud and the Internet of Things: How are developers using cloud to develop IoT services?

IoT_Outlook_2015_Survey_RepThe Internet of Things (IoT) is set to become one of the most transformative technological and commercial opportunities yet, with a range of IoT services already hitting the market. Some analyst houses are forecasting deployed connected devices to number in the tens of billions in just a few years, leading to the development of a new generation of interconnected solutions.

But this transformation brings with it a number of challenges. This next generation of solutions will require a level of security, interconnection, flexibility and scalability yet to be seen in the solutions offered in markets today. This means developers and IT departments will need to think hard about what IoT services require from an infrastructure, application and development platform perspective.

Cloud-based services, which are scalable, can be flexibly deployed, and architecturally complement IoT, have the potential to help make IoT services more performant and help overcome some of these challenges, but what is less clear is how cloud-services will fit into developers and IT departments’ IoT plans.

To that end, BCN and surveyed over 650 IT professionals and developers on their IoT plans to learn more about how cloud-based services will be deployed in the IoT solutions they create, and their views on the issues and challenges they believe are likely to be encountered along the way.

  • Do IT departments and developers have the right skills and the right tools available to make the next generation of IoT services?
  • Are there still concerns over data security and data privacy in IoT?
  • How does the nature of IoT change the way applications need to be architected and developed?

Download the report now to find the answer to these questions among many others.

Cloud-Based Collaboration: How organisations are fundamentally changing the way they collaborate

Cloud-Based-Collaboration-CThe need to collaborate with co-workers, external partners and clients has always been paramount for organisations, but as the results of the 2015 BCN Annual Industry Survey – which includes responses from over 715 senior IT professionals – make clear, the needs of workers and their employers are changing swiftly.

Flexible working is becoming more mainstream, and as a result the need to provide content collaboration and management capabilities for any device – whether corporate or employee-owned – while maintaining the strongest levels of security and data privacy is becoming not just more important – but essential. In a bid to facilitate more mobile workstyles, organisations are increasingly looking to adopt cloud-based collaboration services because of the many benefits they could bring: greater flexibility and employee productivity, lower CAPEX, and the ability to centralise data governance more effectively are but a handful that come to mind.

But as the survey results also make clear, a number of barriers slowing the adoption of cloud-based collaboration services persist. This whitepaper, sponsored by Sharp Document Solutions and published by BCN, analyses the results of the 2015 BCN Annual Industry Survey to help explain:

  • Key trends in collaboration within organisations
  • Why organisations are embracing cloud-based collaboration services
  • Barriers to cloud-based collaboration adoption
  • How cloud-based document management systems can alleviate some of those barriers

Download the whitepaper for free from Business Cloud News now.

The Internet of Things: Bridging the gap between devices and developers with cloud services

Golgi_white_paper_ofcnewThe Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the most disruptive trends in technology today but as IoT services start to hit the mainstream, the sometimes conflicting requirements of device manufacturers and developers are beginning to create tension between these two groups.

Both manufacturers and developers want many of the same things – clear standards, secure platforms and a high degree of extensibility – but, because of the nascent state of the market, don’t necessarily know how to cope with the lack of standards or clarity around how to implement effective security controls in such technically constrained environments, or how to manage interoperability. Managing the complexity of communication within heterogeneous IoT environments and vast networks at scale also makes the task of developing robust IoT services which stand up to consumer expectations all the more challenging.

These challenges need to be overcome before that tremendous value of IoT can be realised. This whitepaper, sponsored by Golgi and published by BCN, luckily, looks at how cloud-based services can help bridge the gaps between the requirements of IoT device manufacturers and application developers:

  • Navigating existing IoT standards
  • Managing data security and privacy
  • Dealing with heterogeneous networks
  • The role of cloud services in IoT

Download the whitepaper for free from BCN now…