Security vendor Gemalto and NetApp are to jointly create an integrated, encrypted key management system for securing data for Amazon Web Services (AWS) customers. The aim is to save time and improve security for end users, by simplifying the process of securing virtual data.
The two vendors, both AWS network partners, are to blend Gemalto’s SafeNet Virtual KeySecure and NetApp’s Cloud ONTAP as a unified service to be offered on the AWS Marketplace.
The SafeNet Virtual KeySecure for NetApp Cloud ONTAP (SKNCO) service promises to make storing and encrypting data and applications much easier for companies using virtual environments. The system will pay for itself, claim the vendors, through the productivity gains and raised levels of security created when users enjoy more governance over their stored data.
The SVKNCO creates these benefits, it’s claimed, by centralising management and making it easy to create customisable security policies for data access in the cloud. It achieves this by combining NetApp’s modern storage infrastructure with Gemalto’s SafeNet key management. The hybrid of the two systems can protect customers’ data and encryption keys against unauthorised access, while giving them the most cost effective storage options at all times.
It’s about creating top levels of security, but not at ‘any cost’ according to Todd Moore, VP of Data Encryption Product Management at Gemalto. “AWS users can now turn to NetApp to manage, store and protect their data more confidently, while completely owning their encryption keys,” said Moore.
Meanwhile, data centre infrastructure vendor Nutanix has also announced that its Community Edition is to be made available for AWS customers. The free software tool aims to help AWS customers speed up the evaluation process when weighing their options for buying infrastructure.