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Monitoring for #Microservices By @AppDynamics | @DevOpsSummit #DevOps #Docker #IoT

It’s no news that microservices are one of the top trends, if not the top trend, in application architectures today. Take large monolithic applications which are brittle and difficult to change and break them into smaller manageable pieces to provide flexibility in deployment models, facilitating agile release and development to meet today’s rapidly shifting digital businesses. Unfortunately, with this change, application and infrastructure management is more complex due to size and technology changes, most often adding significantly more virtual machines and/or containers to handle the growing footprint of application instances.

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Day 3 Keynote at @CloudExpo New York | #Cloud #BigData #DevOps

In his keynote at 16th Cloud Expo, Rodney Rogers, CEO of Virtustream, discusses the evolution of the company from inception to its recent acquisition by EMC – including personal insights, lessons learned (and some WTF moments) along the way. Learn how Virtustream’s unique approach of combining the economics and elasticity of the consumer cloud model with proper performance, application automation and security into a platform became a breakout success with enterprise customers and a natural fit for the EMC Federation.

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The Stories We Tell By @CenturyLinkCld | @CloudExpo #IoT #Cloud

In his General Session at 16th Cloud Expo, David Shacochis, host of The Hybrid IT Files podcast and Vice President at CenturyLink, will investigate three key trends of the “gigabit economy” though the story of a Fortune 500 communications company in transformation.
Narrating how multi-modal hybrid IT, service automation, and agile delivery all intersect, he will cover the role of storytelling and empathy in achieving strategic alignment between the enterprise and its information technology.

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Intellectual Property Law in Cloud Computing: Part 2 | @CloudExpo #Cloud

The growing cloud computing industry brings many new opportunities, but with success comes litigation, both from competitors seeking to gain an edge in a crowded market and opportunists seeking to make a quick buck. Valid patents and good innovations deserve due respect and consideration, but the vast majority of infringement actions are started by non-practicing entities (aka “patent trolls”) that acquire and assert broad patents, many with questionable validity. There is no question that patent litigation is costly. Litigation that goes to trial can cost over $3 million, and result in damage awards that can exceed $15 million. Being involved in or losing patent infringement suits also impacts customer relationships and marketing opportunities, translating to even bigger losses. Even so-called “nuisance suits” cost time and money to defend. With the presumption of validity that each patent enjoys, and the current backlog of cases in the most popular district courts, the scales have been tipped in favor of patent holders. Tech companies are faced with a no-win situation: pay money to settle meritless lawsuits quickly or invest substantial time and money in their defense.

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Digital Blurring… and How to Survive It By @ABridgwater | @CloudExpo #Cloud

There’s no point in Googling the term ‘digital blurring’ because it doesn’t really exist. Except that it does… and we all have a pretty good idea of what it means.
The bad news is that there are several kinds of digital blurring going on. The good news is that they are all digital and so they are all characteristically of the same genus and species.
We see digital blurring currently distorting the boundaries between IT and the business function. As a result we find that firms are staring to create new ‘Chief Digital Officer’ roles in an attempt to provide a bridging point across the business to connect its otherwise potentially fragmenting parts.

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How to Wage Battle Against Cybersecurity Threats By @Dana_Gardner | @CloudExpo #Cloud

The Open Group panel discusses what constitutes a good standard, or set of standards, and how organizations can work to better detect misdeeds.
How can global enterprise cybersecurity be improved for better enterprise integrity and risk mitigation? What constitutes a good standard, or set of standards, to help? And how can organizations work to better detect misdeeds, rather than have attackers on their networks for months before being discovered?

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The Science and Art of Business Leadership By @Kevin_Jackson | @CloudExpo #Cloud

Business leadership is both science and art. The scientific aspects revolve around finance, organization, products and service. Artistic aspects include relationships, market trajectories and business strategies. While many focus on the science through books and training, the art of business is best learned from real practitioners. That is why I jumped at the chance to meet Dimension Data’s Steve Nola during the company’s analyst event, Perspectives 2015, in Prague, Czech Republic. Steve is the company’s ITaaS Group Executive and prior to this, served separate stints as Chief Executive Officer of the Cloud Business Unit and Dimension Data Australia region. Meeting over dinner, Steve shared his views on how businesses should deal with today’s dynamic information technology environment.

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The Journey to Enterprise #DevOps | @DevOpsSummit #IoT #Docker #Microservices

Many people recognize DevOps as an enormous benefit – faster application deployment, automated toolchains, support of more granular updates, better cooperation across groups. However, less appreciated is the journey enterprise IT groups need to make to achieve this outcome. The plain fact is that established IT processes reflect a very different set of goals: stability, infrequent change, hands-on administration, and alignment with ITIL. So how does an enterprise IT organization implement change to achieve DevOps outcomes?
Bernard Golden sat down with Andi Mann, VP in the Office of Strategic Solutions at CA Technologies to address this thorny problem in a recent Cloud Luminary Fireside Chat. Andi and Bernard discussed topics such as: How does DevOps get started – top-down or bottom-up? Who should lead a DevOps initiative – Dev or Ops? Common pitfalls encountered in DevOps initiatives, and other considerations.

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Test Data Management and the Cloud By @EFeatherston | @CloudExpo #Cloud

I was recently in Boston at Faneuil Hall Marketplace, and with the long-awaited warm weather, all the street entertainers were in full force. Singers, musicians, and a variety of juggling acts filled the street, with crowds surrounding them. One act in particular struck a chord with me – the classic spinning plates. We’ve all seen it at various times in our lives. The entertainer started spinning plates, balanced precariously on top of wooden sticks. More and more plates started spinning with the entertainer frantically running back and forth as one started to slow down, almost fall, but, just in time, was able to get it spinning and balanced again. Then the entertainer reached his limit: he add one more plate and as he tried to keep them all up, one lone plate, down on the end started to wobble, the stick tilting, and before the entertainer could reach it, the plate went crashing to the ground, taking several of the other plates with it.

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Free Registration to #Containers and #Microservices Expo | @CloudExpo #DevOps #IoT #API

SYS-CON Events announced today that the “First Containers & Microservices Conference” will take place June 9-11, 2015, at the Javits Center in New York City. The “Second Containers & Microservices Conference” will take place November 3-5, 2015, at Santa Clara Convention Center, Santa Clara, CA.
Containers and microservices have become topics of intense interest throughout the cloud developer and enterprise IT communities.

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