Architecting with @CloudFoundry By @RagsS | @DevOpsSummit [#DevOps]

As the world moves from DevOps to NoOps, application deployment to the cloud ought to become a lot simpler. However, applications have been architected with a much tighter coupling than it needs to be which makes deployment in different environments and migration between them harder. The microservices architecture, which is the basis of many new age distributed systems such as OpenStack, Netflix and so on is at the heart of CloudFoundry – a complete developer-oriented Platform as a Service (PaaS) that is IaaS agnostic and supports vCloud, OpenStack and AWS.
In his session at 16th Cloud Expo, Raghavan Srinivas, an Architect/Developer Evangelist for EMC, will discuss the microservices architecture in detail and how to architect applications for the cloud in general, CloudFoundry in particular. He will harness the power of dependency injection that Spring provides to pick a variety of data sources and services.

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