Actuate Corporation today announced ActuateOne® for Customer Communications Management (CCM), an integrated solution for top-tier organizations to design, process, store and deliver high-volume customer communications, including account statements, policies, and bills. ActuateOne for CCM is the first in a series of solutions based on the BIRT iHub, a next generation solution deployment framework for delivering applications that keep end-users up to date on the insights they need – where and when they are needed.
“ActuateOne for CCM is designed to give organizations ultimate flexibility to integrate individual components within their existing infrastructures, or to deploy the complete solution to manage their enterprise customer communications,” said Steve Jones, Vice President and General Manager, Actuate Xenos Group. “With the solution, organizations are now able to aggregate customer data for campaign analysis, create targeted customer communications and deliver them to customers through their desired channels, via print and mail or digital channels on desktop or mobile devices.”
“In Customer Communications Management, as with other information management environments, awareness of the entire CCM process tends to be fragmented and limited to an individual’s specific area of focus,” said John Mancini, President at AIIM International. “When information managers don’t have a sense of how the entire Customer Communications process fits together, it limits their ability to make optimal decisions, plus they waste an inordinate amount of resources trying to integrate technologies and processes. What are needed are end-to-end technologies that enable CCM to be understood across data acquisition, content composition, processing, archiving and delivery.”
Within an integrated ActuateOne for CCM environment, organizations can:
- Build market-driven and customer targeted strategies: With
sophisticated data acquisition, data mining and analytics,
organizations can freely analyze customer data. Marketers can identify
market-specific insights and create targeted communications.
Communications can be defined to insert directed trans-promo, next
best offers and targeted marketing messages tailored to each targeted
customer segment. - Compose and create targeted customer communications: With
end-to-end document composition using BIRT, ActuateOne for CCM
simplifies the creation of customer communications. Taking raw data
from varying data sources, the solution creates targeted and
personalized customer communications for both modern-interactive and
traditional-print delivery. Through the use of definable templates
organizations can quickly create customer communications with
organizational branding, customer data and personalized marketing
messages. - Automate and manage customer communications: With leading
document processing and transformation capabilities, ActuateOne for
CCM easily stays on top of data deluge and the process complexity that
accompanies it. The solution simplifies the processes involved in
managing disparate systems and applications by managing the end-to-end
communications process, from data acquisition to analysis,
composition, archive and delivery to end consumers for print and
electronic consumption. With the ability to define and automate
business processes, ActuateOne for CCM enables administrators to
control, log and audit the entire communications process. - Securely Store Customer Communications: Using state-of-the-art
electronic archiving, ActuateOne for CCM addresses a key challenge
faced by today’s IT personnel – to efficiently store and retrieve
documents for numerous business purposes, ranging from business
analytics to online presentment to regulatory compliance. The solution
provides efficient search and retrieval and enables the retention and
disposition to satisfy industry-specific regulatory requirements. With
a built-in audit, logging and reports, ActuateOne for CCM provides a
360° system view, letting administrators identify potential concerns
before they become performance bottlenecks. - Delivering content where it’s needed, when it’s needed: With
its electronic, multi-channel delivery architecture, ActuateOne for
CCM facilitates secure internal and external access of customer
communications, enabling organizations to efficiently deliver content
to internal users and external customers. By using ActuateOne for
CCM’s ability to leverage a single composition design, only a single
format is required to enable delivery for print, web, mobile and touch
enabled devices. - Enrich customer-facing applications: With the ability to build
or integrate with application portals and dashboards, ActuateOne for
CCM enables organizations to share useful information such as
insurance policies, service specifications and billing details to
enrich the individual customer experience. The solution connects
customer-facing applications with relevant content to increase
application functionality by delivering communications in traditional
static formats like PDF for simple statement review, as well as
interactive formats that allow users to analyze, aggregate, manipulate
and graph data within the customer-facing application.