A #DevOps Interview with @MattStratton | @DevOpsSummit #IoT #Containers #Microservices

Matt and I first met in the Summer of 2014 at DevOpsDays Minneapolis. My first introduction came when he (and several other DoD alums) participated in an impressive round of DevOps Karaoke. Matt gave an IGNITE talk on day two of the event titled “How to Hire Your First DevOp” as well. I learned during that event that he co-hosted a DevOps specific podcast that was gaining in popularity. It made perfect sense.
Not long after Minneapolis, I began trading emails with the organizers of DevOpsDays Chicago when I learned that Matt was a co-organizer for that event. VictorOps (and myself) definitely needed to see what kinds of conversations were taking shape in the “Windy City”. Since then, Matt and I have stayed in touch and regularly cross paths at a number of events including this year’s ChefConf & DevOpsDays Rockies.

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