Your Cloud Strategy Why to Why Not in 2015 By @Infor | @CloudExpo [#Cloud]

It’s a clear message being heard across the industry – widespread adoption of cloud applications is only a matter of time. However, the tricky part for many is, how much time do organizations actually have to hold out? And why should they switch?
For starters – the cost savings are clear. Research has shown that most organizations rapidly realize significant cost savings that increase over time as they leave behind the array of indirect costs related to legacy on-premise software. A recent IDC study showed that cloud solutions offer an average payback period of 7.1 months and 5-year average ROI of 626 percent, a return few other investments can match.1 Debate over other issues of cloud computing versus on-premise implementations is making it difficult for many to ignore the bottom-line advantages of choosing cloud-based enterprise solutions.

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