Yahoo!’s @MDKail to Present at @DevOpsSummit Silicon Valley [#DevOps]

Having just joined a large technology company with 20 years of history, it would be suicidal to believe that I can immediately move the entire organization to the DevOps mindset and model. For those not familiar with the term, “Eventual Consistency” is a model used in distributed computing to ensure high availability. In this context, it’s a model for replicating best practices and automation across IT teams and business units.
The logical place to start with automation is the on-boarding of a new employee. That process should be as seamless and streamlined as possible, with a pristine source of truth. The goal is to populate a list of attributes and replicate them out to the various systems, and that’s applicable to either a new employee or an existing one who changes roles. Core infrastructure deployment is also at the base of the DevOps stack. Automate the provisioning of compute, network, and storage, and provide continuous insight into the utilization.

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