Windows Server 2003 – I’m Late, I’m Late, for a Very Important Date! | @CloudExpo #Cloud

Windows Server 2003 End of Support is here and there is little most enterprises can do at this point to change the fact that they are now dependent on an unsupported operating system. Here we are at Microsoft’s World Wide Partner Conference again, muttering “I’m late, I’m late,” just like the herald-like white rabbit of Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, (We have a cool White Rabbit twitter campaign going this week – check it out) except that we cannot manipulate time. This is the event where, last year, there were many sessions highlighting processes, tools and partner ecosystem to help companies migrate off of Windows Server 2003. Analysts, the media and Microsoft were talking in terms of close to 20 million machines in production still running Windows Server 2003. Back then, the opportunity was characterized as a Y2K situation that would result in as much as 45 billion dollars spent helping to remediate this event.

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