Why VDI? And Why Now?

For most CIOs and IT managers, virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) isn’t a new concept. In fact, many of them have dismissed it more than once amid concerns such as ROI, security and user experience.
But it’s time to take a fresh look at VDI because a slew of new technologies have eliminated its biggest drawbacks – real and perceived. As a result, VDI – also known as end-user computing and desktop as a service – is now capable of addressing three of enterprise IT’s biggest costs and headaches.
Management scalability: Today, as the number of desktops in an organization grows, so does the amount of staff and other resources required to manage them. VDI breaks that link and makes managing 1,000 desktops as easy as managing 10. This directly benefits the enterprise’s bottom line and competitive position because, for example, IT staff is now freed to focus on revenue-generating tasks.

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