Weekly Top 10 DevOps Blogs | @DevOpsSummit #DevOps #Microservices

Welcome to the first top DevOps news roundup of 2016! At the end of last year, we saw some great predictions for 2016.
While we’re excited to kick off the new year, this week’s top posts reminded us to take a second to slow down and really understand the current state of affairs. For example, do you actually know what microservices are – or aren’t? What about DevOps? Does the emphasis still fall mostly on the development side? This week’s top news definitely got the wheels turning and just might get you thinking differently about the hot topics of 2016 as well. Read on for more insights, predictions, and tips from our fellow industry influencers.

As always, stay tuned to all the news coming from @ElectricCloud on DevOps and Continuous Delivery throughout the week and retweet/favorite to get your favorite pieces featured in our weekly recap!

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