Waterfall Development | @DevOpsSummit @CollabNet #DevOps #Serverless

Don’t go chasing waterfall … development, that is. According to a recent post by Madison Moore on Medium featuring insights from several software delivery industry leaders, waterfall is – while still popular – not the best way to win in the marketplace. With methodologies like Agile, DevOps and Continuous Delivery becoming ever more prominent over the past 15 years or so, waterfall is old news. Or, is it? Moore cites a recent study by Gartner: “According to Gartner’s IT Key Metrics Data report, the waterfall method as employed on 56% of development efforts in 2015, with iterative methods used in 21% of projects and agile in 23%.” While Agile has been the buzzword of the decade, it seems many organizations still haven’t fully adopted the practice yet. While many cite the fallbacks of waterfall development – no feedback loops, rigid structure and requirements-based development that leads to stalled projects and unhappy customers – it’s not necessarily all bad.

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