Unlocking Business Value with Cloud Hosted Desktops

As businesses look to unlock greater value out of their existing IT investments, they are increasingly re-evaluating their overall desktop strategy. A greater mobile workforce shifting usage models like BYOD and legacy infrastructure refresh cycles are all acting as catalysts in fueling a shift to a hosted, cloud-based model across the entire IT infrastructure, including the end-user computing side. Increasingly, IT leaders everywhere are seeking high performing, secure, and cost-effective alternatives to traditional desktops – one that minimizes large capital investments and allows them to shift scarce resources into supporting the needs of the business.
The groundswell of Windows 7 migration plans, expanding virtual workforce, growing popularity of mobile devices, and tighter IT budgets all point to the need to reevaluate desktop strategies. By moving virtual desktops to the cloud, instead of an internally deployed and managed data center, companies can realize all the promised benefits of virtual desktops – centralized management, improved data security and simplified deployment – without the exorbitant cost, limitations or hassles of VDI.

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