@ThingsExpo | The Identity (of Things) Crisis (#IoT)

If you listen to the persistent murmur in the market surrounding the Internet of Things right now, you’d believe that it’s all about sensors. Sensors and big data. Sensors that monitor everything from entertainment habits to health status to more mundane environmental data about your home and office.

to a certain degree this is accurate. The Internet of Things comprises, well, things. But the question that must be asked – and is being asked in some circles – is not only where that data ends up but how organizations are going to analyze it and, more importantly, monetize it.
But there’s yet another question that needs to be asked and answered – soon. Assuming these things are talking to applications (whether they reside in the cloud or in the corporate data center) and vice-versa, there must be some way to identify them – and the people to whom they belong.

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