The Top 10, Top 10 2013 Predictions

Like last year, everyone has their Technology predictions with their annual lists for the coming year. Instead of coming up with my own, I figured I’d simply regurgitate what many others are expecting to happen.
Cloud computing in 2013: Two warnings: @DavidLinthicum has his two tragic cloud computing predictions for 2013 (price wars & skills shortage). Nice to see some realism mixed with all the ‘this is the greatest.’
10 Cloud Predictions for 2013: CIO has an interesting slide show covering things like Hybrid Cloud, Management, Brokers, SDN, Outages and a few other critical components.
RSA’s Art Coviello: 8 Computer Security Predictions For 2013: Attacks grow, Hackers grow, business’s not prepared grows along with investment, analysis and intelligence to mitigate threats.
Security Predictions 2013-2014: Emerging Trends in IT and Security: SANS gets some input from various industry folks on what they think. Areas like authentication, mobile devices, Windows 8, geo-forensics, gamification and others are highlighted

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