The Role of Fast Data in Continuous Hybrid Cloud | @CloudEXPO @Striim #Cloud #CIO #DevOps #BigData #FastData #Analytics #HybridCloud

When Enterprises started adopting Hadoop-based Big Data environments over the last ten years, they were mainly on-premise deployments. Organizations would spin up and manage large Hadoop clusters, where they would funnel exabytes or petabytes of unstructured data.However, over the last few years the economics of maintaining this enormous infrastructure compared with the elastic scalability of viable cloud options has changed this equation.

The growth of cloud storage, cloud-managed big data environments, and cloud data warehouses like Snowflake, Redshift, BigQuery and Azure SQL DW, have given the cloud its own gravity – pulling data from existing environments.

In this presentation we will discuss this transition, describe the challenges and solutions for creating the data flows necessary to move to cloud analytics, and provide real-world use-cases and benefits obtained through adopting cloud big data environments.

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