The Power of Immutable Infrastructure | @DevOpsSUMMIT @Zehicle @RackNGo #Cloud #DevOps #APM #CIO #Serverless #ContinuousDelivery

The benefits of automated cloud deployments for speed, reliability and security are undeniable. The cornerstone of this approach, immutable deployment, promotes the idea of continuously rolling safe, stable images instead of trying to keep up with managing a fixed pool of virtual or physical machines.

In this talk, we’ll explore the immutable infrastructure pattern and how to use continuous deployment and continuous integration (CI/CD) process to build and manage server images for any platform. Then we’ll show how automate deploying these images quickly and reliability with open DevOps tools like Terraform and Digital Rebar. Not only is this approach fast, it’s also more secure and robust for operators.

If you are running infrastructure, this talk will change how you think about your job in profound ways.

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