‘The Next Frontier’ By @VLivschitz of @QuBellInc | @DevOpsSummit [#DevOps]

Software is eating the world. Companies that were not previously in the technology space now find themselves competing with Google and Amazon on speed of innovation. As the innovation cycle accelerates, companies must embrace rapid and constant change to both applications and their infrastructure, and find a way to deliver speed and agility of development without sacrificing reliability or efficiency of operations.
In her Day 2 Keynote DevOps Summit, Victoria Livschitz, CEO of Qubell, discussed how IT organizations can automate just-in-time assembly of application environments – each built for a specific purpose with the right infrastructure, components, service, data and tools – and deliver this automation to developers as a self-service. Victoria’s keynote will include remarks by Kira Makagon, EVP of Innovation at RingCentral, and Ratnakar Lavu, EVP of Digital Technology at Kohl’s.

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