The New War on Cyberattacks By @Vormetric | @CloudExpo [#Cloud]

When it comes to cybersecurity initiatives, the U.S. government has not taken a back seat. Perhaps owning to the number of high profile breaches and damaging insider attacks that have occurred in the past few years, this White House in particular has been very vocal about the federal government’s role in putting a stop to cyberattacks.
Recent examples of this include Obama’s visit to Stanford University to put meet with CEOs and CSOs at major companies and discuss cybersecurity challenges, the establishment of a cybersecurity center to collect cybersecurity intelligence and the signing of an executive order to promote information sharing. In January, Congress also kicked off hearings about a national breach notification law; the law’s tenants would, in most cases, mandate breach notification to consumers within 30 days. Currently, there are 51 differing state and territorial breach notification rules in effect. The proposed federal data breach legislation to regularize responses across the country would replace the patchwork of varied laws on the topic.

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