The CIO’s Critical Shift: This Might Hurt

Talk of so-called “sea change developments” and “paradigm shifts” has long been rife among the IT media and the web’s wider technology commentary channels.
Right now we’re all talking about cloud, mobile empowerment (let’s not forget the Bring Your Own Device tagline here) and virtualized computing resources as we re-align many of the mechanics that drive our collective IT resources. But does all this talk of “new compute models” leave us at risk of forgetting other large-scale departmental changes, which still have to be brought to bear by the CIO?
I’m simply talking about security here.
The CIO is now also being joined by a CISO (Chief Information Security Officer), although in many cases this turns out to be one and the same person. The CIO’s security remit now must encompass absolutely all of the people, processes and technology that impact the day-to-day running of the business and this is no small matter.

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