Tech News Recap for the Week of 6/29/2015

Were you busy last week with the long 4th of July weekend? Here’s a quick tech news recap of articles you may have missed from the week of 6/22/2015.

Tech News RecapAccording to a recent study, the healthcare cloud computing market could be worth $9.48 billion by 2020. The FBI is investigating a string of attacks on the West Coast targeting internet fiber optic cables. Microsoft has debuted its Skype Phone and meeting services for large companies. MasterCard users may soon be able to pay for online purchases with their face or fingers. Also, get a look at a health wristband Google is testing as well as Energous Corporation’s wireless charger for electronic devices that uses radio waves.

Tech News Recap


[eBook] The corporate IT department has evolved. Has yours kept pace?


By Ben Stephenson, Emerging Media Specialist