Tech News Recap for the Week of 12/1/2014

Tech News RecapWere you busy last week? Here’s a quick tech news recap of articles you may have missed from the week of 12/1/2014.

Tech News Recap

Microsoft bough Acompli for $200M. The FBI warned US businesses of destructive malware. HP will provide Microsoft O365 business services and support. Bank of America’s Cathy Bessant won IT Chief of the Year. Bebe Stores confirmed a payment card security breach. Hawaii’s state government is prioritizing a cloud first strategy for any new IT project. Gartner’s Data Center Conference wrapped up, and there was a lot of good information that came out of it around cloud, open-source, and software-defined technologies.

Looking for tips around moving a data center? Check out this new whitepaper from GreenPages’ CTO. By Ben Stephenson, Emerging Media Specialist