Survey: Five Out of Six Organizations Use or Plan to Use Cloud Storage

TwinStrata onWednesday announced the results of its 2013 Cloud Storage Adoption Survey. Conducted during the first half of 2013, the survey – updated from June 2012 – focuses on the attitudes and experiences of a cloud-friendly sample group as determined by their attendance at a recent cloud conference. The survey results compare how this cloud-mature group has shifted year-over-year and highlights advancements in adoption and shifts in viewpoint. The report can be downloaded at:
Among the key findings:
Storage capacity requirements are quickly outstripping the ability of IT to support them, with three out of a full 60 percent of respondents agreeing, “It seems like we are always running out of storage.”
More than a third (37 percent) of respondents indicate that they have been using cloud computing for three or more years – an increase of more than a third over last year. Adoption rates across all cloud initiatives (including software as a service, platform as a service, infrastructure as a service and cloud storage) have increased year over year.

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