Supporting CIO strategies and priorities from the cloud – Part 2

This is the second part of a two-part article entitled Supporting CIO Strategies and Priorities from the Cloud. In case you have not done so, READ PART 1.

However, to briefly recap: in support of a recent Gartner study that basically states that the function of the modern CIO is in flux and that his or her future focus must incorporate digital assets (aka cloud-based data and applications) to remain relevant, I have taken their listed priorities and illustrated how they could securely work in a cloud-centric model.

In last week’s entry, I make the case that this means the CIO must evolve from overseeing physical resources and installation and refocus on becoming a  facilitator of strategic business goals through the means of digital acquisition and expansion. To this end I use cloud-based security as an example of how the technical and business priorities stated in the survey can …