Solr vs. Elasticsearch — How to Decide? By @Sematext | @DevOpsSummit [#DevOps]

“Solr or Elasticsearch?”…well, at least that is the common question I hear from Sematext’s consulting services clients and prospects. Which one is better, Solr or Elasticsearch? Which one is faster? Which one scales better? Which one can do X, and Y, and Z? Which one is easier to manage? Which one should we use? Which one do you recommend? etc., etc.

These are all great questions, though not always with clear and definite, universally applicable answers. So which one do we recommend you use? How do you choose in the end? Well, let me share how I see Solr and Elasticsearch past, present, and future, let’s do a bit of comparing and contrasting, and hopefully help you make the right choice for your particular needs.

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