[session] Network and Cloud Optimization | @CloudExpo @Massive1Network #API #Cloud #WebPerf

Connecting to major cloud service providers is becoming central to doing business. But your cloud provider’s performance is only as good as your connectivity solution.
Massive Networks will place you in the driver’s seat by exposing how you can extend your LAN from any location to include any cloud platform through an advanced high-performance connection that is secure and dedicated to your business-critical data.
In his session at 21st Cloud Expo, Paul Mako, CEO & CIO of Massive Networks, will discuss the intricacies of network and cloud management optimization.”

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[session] Network and Cloud Optimization | @CloudExpo @Massive1Network #API #Cloud #WebPerf

Connecting to major cloud service providers is becoming central to doing business. But your cloud provider’s performance is only as good as your connectivity solution.
Massive Networks will place you in the driver’s seat by exposing how you can extend your LAN from any location to include any cloud platform through an advanced high-performance connection that is secure and dedicated to your business-critical data.
In his session at 21st Cloud Expo, Paul Mako, CEO & CIO of Massive Networks, will discuss the intricacies of network and cloud management optimization.”

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