Securing Cloud Data from Cybercrime, Intrusion and Surveillance

In my previous post (Cloud Data, Security, Privacy & Confidentiality/ The ISV Perspective) I talked about the increasing exposure of data, the changing landscape of data confidentiality and the need to shield data rather than retreat into – largely mythical -“safe heavens” of on premise. When storing data in the cloud, key management becomes a critical aspect of data confidentiality and a new crop of vendors are beginning to emerge simplifying encryption and key management.
Having looked at most of the new crop of cloud encryption vendors, we liked Porticor for its innovative application of homomorphic algorithm to split key encryption and its use of a customer-owned security appliance. The combination of two eliminates the need to expose the encryption key and minimizes the risks offering a unique approach to comply with EU data protection legislation, not found elsewhere in the cloud.

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