Release of OpenNebula 3.4.1

The OpenNebula project has just announced the general availability of OpenNebula 3.4.1. This is a maintenance release that fixes bugs reported by the community and includes new languages for Sunstone and the Self-Service portals. OpenNebula 3.4 (Wild Duck) was released three weeks ago bringing countless valuable contributions by many members of our community, and specially from Research in Motion, Logica, Terradue 2.0, CloudWeavers, Clemson University, and Vilnius University.
OpenNebula 3.4 incorporated support for multiple Datastores that provides extreme flexibility in planning the storage backend and important performance benefits, such as balancing I/O operations, defining different SLA policies and features for different VM types or users, or easily scaling the cloud storage. Additionally, OpenNebula 3.4 also featured improvements in other areas like support for clusters (resource pools), new tree-like menus for Sunstone, or the addition of the Elastic IP calls in the EC2 Query API.

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