REACT to the Cloud: A Tale of Horror and Unified Security

Introducing a new security paradigm that leverages the cooperative functionality of various security tools. However, the key is still monitoring the results in real time; and the best case scenario (most efficient/effective means) for most companies to achieve this is via the cloud.
Today’s is a cautionary tale. One that you’ve probably heard before, but I promise a new spin on making sure it won’t happen again.

It’s a true story. It recently happened to a colleague’s friend’s business. But it is not an isolated incident. Because the information is sensitive and the wounds still raw, I have changed the names to protect the innocent and the not-so-innocent.

It was a dark and stormy night…

Dan is the CEO and CTO of a privately-owned business that develops software tools to manage lease lifecycles and other financial information. His primary customer is commercial real estate agencies across the country. For the past 12 years, it has been highly successful despite some of the economic battering the housing market took over the past several years. The company clears somewhere in the neighborhood of 30-50 million per year. He employs about 150 people. And it is the story of one of those employees where the story takes a dark turn.

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