Rackspace Enhances Hybrid Cloud with New Performance Cloud Servers

Rackspace® Hosting has announced its architecturally redesigned public cloud with Performance Cloud Servers. These new servers are designed to deliver enhanced levels of application performance with greater speed, throughput and reliability. This public cloud offering creates a powerful hosting platform for a variety of workloads, ranging from basic web hosting to large scale NoSQL data stores like MongoDB and Cassandra.
“In today’s world of instant demand, applications must be capable of scaling fast, and performing at scale without compromise. As a cloud provider, our role is to enable that without customers having to over-provision and constantly re-architect their applications,” said Rick Jackson, chief marketing officer at Rackspace. “Our mission is to provide our customers with the best-fit infrastructure to optimize the performance of their applications, and today we are redefining the benchmark for performance in a public cloud offering as part of our hybrid cloud portfolio.”

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