Public or private cloud, that is the question…or is it?

You realise the overarching benefits of the cloud, but you are a bit wary regarding the security of any data stored and transacted in these virtualised environments. 

But the cost-saving benefits, user preference and resource delegation of the cloud are such that not integrating some processes, applications and data is counter-productive to your overall IT strategy.

So you decide that a private cloud is a more secure route that its public counterpart. But are you really any more secure?

The quick answer is no. But not for the reason you might think.

A private cloud is infrastructure operated solely for a single organisation. The only difference is that your data is segregated from any other organisation. And if that brings you any semblance of peace, then it’s a good investment.

It all depends on your business need. It offers greater control, but means you shoulder all the overhead, updating …