SHI Sees Rapid Growth in Cloud Demand

“The ability to flexibly and quickly adjust infrastructure allows IT to respond to line-of-business requirements in a way that was impossible prior to the advent of cloud computing,” noted Henry Fastert, Chief Technologist & Managing Partner, SHI Enterprise Solutions Services Group, in this exclusive Q&A with Cloud Expo Conference Chair Jeremy Geelan.
Cloud Computing Journal: Agree or disagree? – “While the IT savings aspect is compelling, the strongest benefit of cloud computing is how it enhances business agility.”
Henry Fastert: Agree. The ability to flexibly and quickly adjust infrastructure allows IT to respond to line-of-business requirements in a way that was impossible prior to the advent of cloud computing.

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SHI Sees Rapid Growth in Cloud Demand

“The ability to flexibly and quickly adjust infrastructure allows IT to respond to line-of-business requirements in a way that was impossible prior to the advent of cloud computing,” noted Henry Fastert, Chief Technologist & Managing Partner, SHI Enterprise Solutions Services Group, in this exclusive Q&A with Cloud Expo Conference Chair Jeremy Geelan.
Cloud Computing Journal: Agree or disagree? – “While the IT savings aspect is compelling, the strongest benefit of cloud computing is how it enhances business agility.”
Henry Fastert: Agree. The ability to flexibly and quickly adjust infrastructure allows IT to respond to line-of-business requirements in a way that was impossible prior to the advent of cloud computing.

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Cloud Expo New York Speaker Profile: Dave Linthicum – Blue Mountain Labs

With Cloud Expo 2012 New York (10th Cloud Expo) now just eight weeks away, what better time to introduce you in greater detail to the distinguished individuals in our incredible Speaker Faculty for the technical and strategy sessions at the conference…

We have technical and strategy sessions for you every day from June 11 through June 14 dealing with every nook and cranny of Cloud Computing and Big Data, but what of those who are presenting? Who are they, where do they work, what else have they written and/or said about the Cloud that is transforming the world of Enterprise IT, side by side with the exploding use of enterprise Big Data – processed in the Cloud – to drive value for businesses…?

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Big Data Expo New York Speaker Profile: Tom Leyden – Amplidata

With Big Data Expo 2012 New York (, co-located with 10th Cloud Expo, now just over seven weeks away, what better time to introduce you in greater detail to the distinguished individuals in our incredible Speaker Faculty for the technical and strategy sessions at the conference…

We have technical and strategy sessions for you every day from June 11 through June 14 dealing with every nook and cranny of Cloud Computing and Big Data, but what of those who are presenting? Who are they, where do they work, what else have they written and/or said about the Cloud that is transforming the world of Enterprise IT, side by side with the exploding use of enterprise Big Data – processed in the Cloud – to drive value for businesses…?

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Cloud Expo New York: Industry-Leading CxOs to Present June 11-14

What does the CTO of the U.S. Dept. of Justice have in common with the CEOs of Eucalyptus, GoGrid, OpSource and Nortonworks, the Founder & General Manager of Dell Boomi, the VP of Big Data & Streams at IBM and the Chief Strategy Officer at Pacific Controls? Answer: all are shortly to present breakout sessions as members of the distinguished Speaker Faculty of Cloud Expo New York, taking place June 11-14, 2012, at the Jacob Javits Convention Center in New York City.

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The Web – Changing the Way We Work

The web is fundamentally changing the way we work – is your company ready? Intrigued by how more than 4 million businesses are using Google’s cloud to work in the future?
Join us as we bring Google’s highly anticipated annual gathering of business leaders together to hear:
Industry experts shed light on emerging business models
Customers share stories of business transformation
Our product experts unveil new products
Our executives answer your questions

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Big Data: The ‘Perfect Storm’ Syndrome

“Cloud computing represents a paradigm shift for IT, transforming computing power into a utility,” observed James Weir, CTO and Co-Founder of UShareSoft, in this exclusive Q&A with Cloud Expo Conference Chair Jeremy Geelan. “While cloud adoption remains in the early stages,” Weir continued, “this shift means that the overall market will grow massively in the coming years.”
Cloud Computing Journal: Agree or disagree? – “While the IT savings aspect is compelling, the strongest benefit of cloud computing is how it enhances business agility.”
James Weir: Agree. Cloud computing is not just about cost savings but adding value and creating new business opportunities. Many of the customers I speak to definitely see these benefits too. Cloud computing enhances business agility by providing “self-service” access to compute, network and storage resources through automation. And we’re now seeing enterprise customers and cloud providers start to focus on the next big open question: software agility. Software delivery to the cloud needs to benefit from the same automated process to provide users with on-demand access to IT applications. UShareSoft’s tools are designed to do just that.

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Big Data: The ‘Perfect Storm’ Syndrome

“Cloud computing represents a paradigm shift for IT, transforming computing power into a utility,” observed James Weir, CTO and Co-Founder of UShareSoft, in this exclusive Q&A with Cloud Expo Conference Chair Jeremy Geelan. “While cloud adoption remains in the early stages,” Weir continued, “this shift means that the overall market will grow massively in the coming years.”
Cloud Computing Journal: Agree or disagree? – “While the IT savings aspect is compelling, the strongest benefit of cloud computing is how it enhances business agility.”
James Weir: Agree. Cloud computing is not just about cost savings but adding value and creating new business opportunities. Many of the customers I speak to definitely see these benefits too. Cloud computing enhances business agility by providing “self-service” access to compute, network and storage resources through automation. And we’re now seeing enterprise customers and cloud providers start to focus on the next big open question: software agility. Software delivery to the cloud needs to benefit from the same automated process to provide users with on-demand access to IT applications. UShareSoft’s tools are designed to do just that.

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The Plain Truth About Hybrid Solutions

It’s time to rehabilitate hybrid – and no, that doesn’t mean that you have to check the Prius into a 12-step program. We’re talking about that big buzzword “hybrid” and what you can you do today to make turn that trend into a true business environment that runs as efficiently and with as little drama as a Prius.
You see the word “hybrid” affixed to as many trends as you do “cloud” today. The over use of the term has about as much relevance and meaning to most of us as “best of breed”, “paradigm shifting”, and “synergy”. You see the word hybrid used to describe for systems integrators, infrastructure, databases, business applications, platforms – pretty much anywhere and everywhere you can say “online and premise together”, you can say “hybrid.”

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